सङ्करो नरकायैव कुलघ्नानां कुलस्य च।
पतन्ति पितरो ह्येषां लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रियाः।।१-४२।।

सन्धि विग्रहः
सङ्करः नरकाय एव कुल-घ्नानाम् कुलस्य च।
पतन्ति पितरः हि एषाम् लुप्त-पिण्ड-उदक-क्रियाः।।१-४२।।

सङ्करः कुल-घ्नानाम् कुलस्य च नरकाय एव (भवति);
हि एषाम् पितरः लुप्त-पिण्ड-उदक-क्रियाः  (सन्तः)  पतन्ति।

1.42 सङ्करः=such unwanted children नरकाय=make for hellish life एव=certainly कुल-घ्नानाम्=for those who are killers of the family कुलस्य=for the family च=also पतन्ति=fall down पितरः=forefathers हि=certainlyएषाम्=of them लुप्त=stopped पिण्ड=of offerings of food उदक=and water क्रियाः=performances

1.42: Commingling (of castes) brings hell to the family and those who destroyed the race. The spirits of the ancestors fall, deprived of their offerings of food and water.

Because of commingling of castes, the family and the destroyers of the race go to hell. The spirit of the ancestor falls, deprived of the offerings of food and water.