एकमप्यक्षरं यस्तु गुरुः शिष्यं प्रबोधयेत्|

पृथिव्यां नास्ति तद्द्रव्यं यद्दत्वा सोSनृणी भवेत्||

यदि कोई गुरु अपने शिष्य को वर्णमाला का मात्र एक अक्षर भी सिखाता है तो इस पृथ्वी में ऐसी कोई वस्तु नहीं है जिसे दे कर वह अपने गुरु द्वारा शिक्षित किये जाने के ऋण से मुक्त हो सकता है |

If a Guru teaches even a single letter of the alphabet to a student, there is no such thing on this Earth, which, on being given to the Guru can render the student free from the debt of learning from his teacher,

(Through the use of a hyperbole, the author has highlighted the sacred and exalted relationship between a guru ans a shishya in the Sanatan Dharma,)