आरोग्यः प्रददातु नो दिनकरः चन्द्रोयशो निर्मलं
भूतिं भूमिसुतः सुधांशुतनयः प्रज्ञां गुरुर्गौरवम् ।
काव्यः कोमलवाग्विलासमतुलं मन्दो मुदं सर्वदा
राहुर्बाहु-बलं विरोध-शमनं केतुः कुलस्योन्नतिम् ॥

Oh! May we have, health from Sun, pure glory from Moon, well-being from the son of Earth, wisdom and glory to the teacher from the son of Moon, poetry and uncomparable joy in soft speech from …, happiness within limits forever from …, strength (of limbs) from RAhu, ability to overcome opposition and the progress of the family from Ketu.

Word meanings:
आरोग्यः = good health;
प्रददातु = May give me or us;
नो = us or to us or ours;
दिनकरः = the sun, the day-maker;
निर्मलं = without any dirt or polluted materiali.e. pure;
भूतिं = well-being; welfare; prosperity;
भूमिसुतः = the son of the Earth;
सुधांशुतनयः = the son of sudhA.nshu, moon;
प्रज्ञां = conscipusness;
गुरुर्गौरवं = felicitation of teachers;
काव्यः = poem; poetry;
मन्दो = dull-witted; slow;
मुदं = happiness;
सर्वदा = ever; always;
केतुः = south Node;