अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करः प्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञान वैराग्य सिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वती ॥

O Goddess Sarasvati, Provider of food, always complete, dear to the heart of Lord Shankar, I beg you for getting Knowledge and Renunciation. \medskip(alternateReplete with food, perfect at all times, beloved charmerof Shankara’s life, O Parvati, give me alms for fulfilment of knowledge and detachment.

Word meanings:
अन्नपूर्णे = Oh goddess `annapUrNA’ meaning full of food;
सदापूर्णे = Oh! ever-complete!;
शङ्करः = Shankara ; one who grants auspicious things; Shiva or
a person by that name;
प्राणवल्लभे = Oh! goddess you are dear to your lord as dear as life;
वैराग्य = without passions; having overcome emotions;
सिद्ध्यर्थं = for the purpose of materialisation;
देहि = Give;
च = and;
पार्वती = goddess Parvati, Shiva’s consort;