Shloka - Devi 7

Published on 17 August 2017 04:30 PM
नारायणि महामाये विष्णुमाये सनातनि ।
प्राणाधिदेवि कृष्णस्य मामुद्धर भवार्णवात् ।
ॐ क्लीं राधायै नमः ॥

Adorations to Goddess Radha! Adorations to the beloved of Krishna! Adorations to Goddess Narayani, The Supreme Power!

Word meanings:
नारायणि = Oh! part of Narayana also of Shiva as Durga;
महामाये = Oh. goddess of great illusory powers;
विष्णुमाये = Oh! the illusory power or Maya of Vishnu;
सनातनि = Oh! the ancient one;
कृष्णस्य = Krishna's;
भवार्णवात् = from the ocean of `bhava' births and deaths;
ॐ = same as `OM' i.e. the praNava or `o.nkAra' mantra;
राधायै = to Radha;
नमः = bowing; salutation;