ज्ञानशक्तिधर स्कन्द वल्लीकल्याण सुन्दर ।
देवसेना मनः कान्त कार्तिकेय नमोऽस्तुते ।
ॐ सुब्रह्मण्याय नमः ॥

Adorations to Lord Subrahmanya! Adoratiosn to Lord Kartikeya who is known as Skanda, Who holds the staff of wisdom, who is the beautiful beloved of Goddess VallI, Who is the enchanter of the mind of Goddess Devasena, to that Divine Kartikeya I offer adorations again and again!

Word meanings:
ज्ञानशक्तिधर = bearing or wearing the power of knowledge;
स्कन्द = at (M.nom.) Karthikeya; also leaping;;
वल्लीकल्याण = relating to Valli’s marriage or auspicious activity;
सुन्दर = beautiful;
देवसेना = a female of that name, also army of gods;
मनः = mind;
कान्त = Oh! husband;
नमोऽस्तुते = Salutations unto Thee;
ॐ = same as `OM’ i.e. the praNava or `o.nkAra’ mantra;
सुब्रह्मण्याय = to Karthikeya;
नमः = bowing; salutation;