वसुदेव सुतं देवं कंस चाणूरमर्दनं ।
देवकी परमानंदं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुं ॥

Salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the teacher of the universe, son of Vasudeva, destroyer of Ka.nsa and ChANura and the supreme bliss of (mother) DevakI.

Word meanings:
वसुदेव = of Vasudea;
सुतं = the son;
देवं = God;
कंस = at (M.nom.) the demon Kamsa;
चाणूरमर्दनं = the crusher or pounder of the demon chaNUra;
देवकी = DevakI Krishna’s mother;
परमानंदं = great happiness; blisss;beautitude;
कृष्णं = Krishna;
वंदे = I bow ; I worship;
जगद्गुरुं = the preceptor of the world;