भक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदाम् हरिहर ब्रह्मादिभिः सेविताम् ।
पार्श्वे पङ्कज शङ्खपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्ताम् सदा शक्तिभिः ॥

I salute to this Goddess who always symbolises power and who grants all the boons that are sought by her devotees, who has the two undiminishing treasures in front of her, and is worshipped and served even by the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other Gods.

Word meanings:
भक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदां = fulfilling devotee’s desires;
हरिहर = of Hari and Hara i.e. Vishnu and Shiva;
ब्रह्मादिभिः = by Brahma and others i.e Vishnu, Shiva etc.;
सेवितां = the worshipped or served one;
पार्श्वे = in front;
पङ्कज = of the lotus;
शङ्खपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्तां = `sha.nkhanidhi’ and `padmanidhi’ (2 kinds of treasures);
सदा = always; ever;
शक्तिभिः = by the power;