अहल्या द्रौपदी सीता तारा मन्दोदरी तथा ।
पंचकन्या स्मरेन्नित्यं महापातकनाशनम् ॥

Let us remember the five ladies (daughters) ahalyA, draupadI, sItA, tArA, mandodarI regularly as their character can provide strength to get rid of sins and ill feelings.

Word meanings:
अहल्या = Sage Gautama’s wife or name of a female who layed
dormant/inactive till Ram motivated her by his divine touch;
द्रौपदी = wife of the `PaNDavAs’;;
सीता = Rama’s wife;
तारा = wife of Vali, Devi (Tantric);
मन्दोदरी = wife of Ravana;
तथा = like that (cf slovenska-lekaren.com. yathA tathA);
पंचकन्या = five girls;
स्मरेत् = remember;
नित्यं = always, constant;
महापातकनाशनं = that which destroys great sins;