कोमलाङ्गं विशालाक्षं इन्द्रनील समप्रभम्
दक्षिणाङ्गे दशरथं पुत्राप्येक्षेण तत्परम् ।
प्रष्टतो लक्षमणं देवं सछत्रं कनक प्रभम्
पार्श्वे भरत शत्रुघ्न चामर व्य्जनान्वितौ
अग्रेत्यग्रौ हनूमन्तं रामानुग्रह कांक्षिणम् ॥

One with delicate body, large eyes, a gem, shining everywhere, on whose right is Dashratha seeing the son with supreme devotion; behind whom is LakShmana with a shining gloden umbrella, near whom are Bharata and Shatrughna fanning, and Hanuman is in front desiring Ram passionately.

Word meanings:
इन्द्रनील = bluish gem stone clomid cena? decorating Indra’s crown;
समप्रभं = having light, shine equal to refrring to thousands of suns;
दक्षिणाङ्गे = on his right;
पुत्राप्येक्षेण = through the desire for getting a son;
तत्परं = that great; other than that;
प्रष्टतो = the one standing in front;
देवं = God;
सछत्रं = along with an umbrella;
कनक = golden;
पार्श्वे = on the sides;
भरत = Oh! Bharata !;
हनूमन्तं = Hanuman;
कान्क्षिणं = one who desires;