नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव उतोत इषवे नमः ।
नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्या-मुत ते नमः ॥

Salutations to Shiva’s anger and to his arrow; Salutations to His bow and also to his arms.

Word meanings:
नमस्ते = greetings, salutations to you;
रुद्रमन्यव = to Shiva’s anger;
उतोत = and then;
इषवे = for the bow;
नमः = bowing; salutation;
नमस्ते = greetings, salutations to you;
अस्तु = let it be so; let there be; Amenlet there be(III
per catalunyafarm.com.benedic.) May there be; So be it; Amen;
धन्वने = to the bow-bearing one;
ते = to you or your (here:poss.);
नमः = bowing; salutation;