हरेर्नामैव नामैव नामैव मम जीवनम् ।
कलौ नास्त्येव नास्त्येव नास्त्येव गतिरन्यथा ॥

In Kaliyuga, there is no path other than taking the name of Shri Hari, which alone is my life libido-portugal.com.

Word meanings:
हरेः = of Vishnu[6];
नाम = name;
एव = alone; only; here it would mean `indeed’;
मम = mine; my;
जीवनं = life; the act of living;
कलौ = during the kali yuga days or time;;
नास्ति = does not exist;
एव = alone; only; here it would mean `indeed’;
गतिरन्यथा = no other way or goal;